Blog Inspirace News in Levels – Zprávy psané ve zjednodušené angličtině

News in Levels – Zprávy psané ve zjednodušené angličtině

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Mnoho studentů angličtiny by rádo četlo a rozumělo anglickým zprávám. Studenti obvykle jdou na stránky BBC nebo CNN, a ačkoliv se jedná o dobré zdroje, je často velký problém jim porozumět.  Pokud se chcete učit angličtinu, zatímco čtete zprávy, je zde další, lepší způsob. Dnes se podíváme na stránky, kde si krátké jednoduše psané články můžete číst zdarma.

Web nese název NEWS IN LEVELS a jedná se o český projekt. Princip spočívá v tom, že každý článek, který zde najdete, je napsaný celkem ve třech úrovních – začátečníci, mírně pokročilí a pokročilí. Každý si tedy může vybrat úroveň, která mu nejvíce vyhovuje, anebo si článek přečíst nejprve v té nejjednodušší angličtině, naučit se případná nová slovíčka, potom pokročit o úroveň výš atd.

Jak to vypadá ve skutečnosti? Zde je příklad jednoho článku:

Level 1:

This story is about a man. He is very heavy. He is from China. He is 22 years old. The man weighs 300 kilograms. He eats a lot.

The man is sick. He cannot move. Doctors come to his home. They want to move him, but the man is too heavy. More people must help them.

They take the man to hospital. His condition is serious. He has problems with his kidneys.

Difficult words: sick (there is something wrong with his body), condition (situation), serious (he can die), kidneys (two organs in your lower back which clean blood).

Level 2:

This story is about a very heavy man. He weighs 300 kilograms and he is just 22 years old. He is from China.

Last week, the man became ill and he could not move himself at home. When an ambulance arrived at his house, paramedics could not move him onto the stretcher. A few other men had to help. He was sent to hospital in critical condition. His kidneys were not functioning.

The man was over 6.5 kilograms heavy when he was born. He has always eaten a lot. He can eat three times more food than a normal person.

Difficult words: paramedic (somebody who does medical work), stretcher (bed for carrying somebody who’s injured), critical (serious), kidney (one of the two organs in your lower back which cleans blood).

Level 3:

A 300 kilogram (47 stone/661 pound) man shocked doctors when he was rushed to hospital in China. Sun Liang, who is just 22-years-old, became ill last week and couldn’t move himself in his own home.

When an ambulance arrived at his house, paramedics were unable to move him onto a stretcher, so a dozen security men were sent to help shift him. Sun’s doctor said he was unconscious and hardly breathing.

The 22-year-old was over six kilograms and a half when he was born, and his appetite increased gradually as he grew up. Sun’s uncle said that his appetite is so big that he can eat triple the amount a normal person can. When he was sent to hospital, he had acute kidney failure and was in a critical condition. Sun’s doctors said he can live a long life if he can reduce his weight by more than half.

Difficult words: rush (quickly move), stretcher (bed for carrying someone injured), dozen (twelve), shift (move), unconscious (not able to see, move and feel in the normal way), appetite (to want food), acute (very strong), kidney (one of the two organs in your lower back which cleans blood).

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