Blog Inspirace NiL: Leopard eats very much – level 1NiL: Leopard eats very much...

NiL: Leopard eats very much – level 1NiL: Leopard eats very much – level 2

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Here is some news from China. It is about a snow leopard. It jumps over a fence. It jumps into a sheep pen.

A snow leopard jumped over a fence into a sheep pen. Later, herdsmen found it so stuffed that it could not jump back. Once the herdsmen managed to get it moving again, the leopard was released back into the wild.

It eats some sheep. It eats too much! It is so full that it cannot move. It cannot jump back. Some people find the leopard. After some time, it can move again. It goes back into the wild. There are very few snow leopards in the wild. China protects the animals. This leopard is 1.5 metres long. It is 100 kilograms heavy. However, snow leopards can be much bigger.

Difficult words

  • fence – something like a wall
  • pen – area for animals which is closed
  • wild – nature

Easy? Read this article in Level 2.
You can read the original story and watch the video in the Level 3 section. 

Photo Credit: Arno Meintjes Wildlife via Compfight cc

Snow leopards are extremely rare. They are more rare than giant pandas. They are one of the most highly protected animals in China. This leopard was just under one and a half metres in length and it weighed around 100 kilograms, but snow leopards can get much bigger.

Difficult words

  • pen – enclosed area for animals
  • herdsman – keeper of a herd of domesticated animals
  • stuffed – completely full

Too hard? Read this article in Level 1.
You can read the original story and watch the video in the Level 3 section.

Photo Credit: Arno Meintjes Wildlife via Compfight cc

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