Blog Inspirace NiL: When an asteroid hits Earth – level 1NiL: When an asteroid...

NiL: When an asteroid hits Earth – level 1NiL: When an asteroid hits Earth – level 2

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An organisation makes a video. It shows an asteroid. The asteroid hits Earth. The group says that asteroids hit Earth.

An organisation released a video. It shows an asteroid which hits Earth. The group uses the video to say that impacts of asteroids are common, more common than scientists believed.

There is a special system. It listens to big explosions. Between 2000 and 2013, 26 explosions were found. These explosions happened when an asteroid hit Earth. NASA watches big asteroids. These asteroids are bigger than 1 kilometre.

Difficult words

  • organisation – group of people who work on something
  • Earth – our planet
  • explosion – when something breaks quickly into small pieces

Easy? Read this article in Level 2.
You can read the original story and watch the video in the Level 3 section.

Photo Credit: NASA APPEL via Compfight cc

The video uses data from a global network. The network listens to nuclear weapons detonations. Between 2000 and 2013, 26 big explosions were detected. They were not caused by nuclear weapons but by asteroids. NASA watches asteroids which are larger than 1 kilometre.

Difficult words

  • impact – the moment when one thing hits another
  • detonation – explosion
  • detect – to notice or discover

Too hard? Read this article in Level 1.
You can read the original story and watch the video in the Level 3 section. 

Photo Credit: NASA APPEL via Compfight cc

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