Co znamená „when it rains, it pours“? Studium Napsal/a Martin Smutek - Dub 27, 2015 2 4357 Slyšeli jste už někdy toto rčení a zajímalo vás, co znamená? Máme pro vás odpověď. Když někdo řekne: „When it rains, it pours,“ chce tím vyjádřit, že nešťastné náhody se stávají rády jedna za druhou.
Our specialists in ghostwriting services have been carefully selected and many have worked with us for more than 5 years. This ensures they are able to give you the level of the needed ghostwriting assistance. Odpovědět
Our specialists in ghostwriting services have been carefully selected and many have worked with us for more than 5 years. This ensures they are able to give you the level of the needed ghostwriting assistance.
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