Blog Štítky Články se štítkem "novinky"


hledání kvality na internetu

0 4644
Protože si uvědomujeme, že ne každý pří výběru jazykové školy či lektora narazí na portál a nemá tak přístup k referencím, které by...

0 7107
This happens in south London. A man is in a bank. He waits. A robber comes to the bank. He has a gun. He...

0 4145
People work on a plane. It takes them 12 years. This plane is special. It is a solar plane. It uses sunlight to fly. A...

0 3889
Meerkats are born at a zoo in England. They hide under the ground at first. They come up some time later. They make their first steps....

0 3951
Here is news from Argentina. Scientists find some fossils. The bones are very old. They are the bones of dinosaurs. The bones are around 90 million years...

0 6712
One internet video has 20 million views. The video shows a boy. He is on a bike. A dog attacks the boy. The dog bites his leg. The...
Sto jazykových škol a vzdělavatelů

0 6936
Tak se nám to podařilo. Od 19.5. najdete na FairListu 100 jazykových škol a lektorů. A pořád přibývají. Všem vzdělavatelům děkujeme za jejich ochotu...

0 3996
Here is some news from a Washington zoo. It is about little lions. They must pass a swimming test. Little lions at a zoo in Washington must...

0 4163
Here is some news from China. It is about a snow leopard. It jumps over a fence. It jumps into a sheep pen. A snow leopard jumped...

0 6207
An accident happens in China. A truck suddenly changes direction. It hits the side of a car. That car is white. A security camera captured the moment a...